Month: July 2008

  • Finally, I post on Xanga...

      Okay so I was supposed to update a long time ago.
    In fact people and friends were wondering how my life was doing...
    And perhaps the very common reason we all use is "I was very busy."
    And then I realize the truth.
    There's only so much I can write about my graduate life in NUS.

    There is so much to say about my life during the vacation.
    And there's so much that I do that most people don't know about!
    Well there's too much to say here and if I were to post everything that has happened thus far,
    then I'm afraid this post would be longer than "The Dark Knight."

    The point is I realized that a blog, a diary is like a little place to ramble.
    I think it's so much easier to post something short and simple per day,
    then to consolidate all my past happenings and write them into one mega post.

    And so, this is what I shall do.
    I shall ramble about stuff I encounter in the day...
    And I honestly hope, it has nothing to do with studies, equations and exams.

    Art Imitates Life

            Yes I've fallen into Shounen Manga addiction with NANA.
         It's almost like I've become addicted to a typical Jap Drama / Korean Drama,
    only that THIS is much better.
    The strange thing is with me watching NANA,
        and with me meeting old pals and listening to their BGR problems...
          I realized one thing.
         That alot of the time, we like to paint our own love drama.
       In fact there are those who live in their own world, thinking that life is like a movie or drama.
     But nothing's worse than using your own psychotic dream world to manipulate the minds of a lost love.

    I know of a friend who goes through that.
    And I do not believe that it's the right thing for her ex to do.

    Personally I write songs     
    and my songs depict the love stories that I go through - much like a drama  .
    However that movie that plays in my head as I sing,
    is only for me to reminiscence, and it exists solely for that purpose  .

    For example, if someone wrote a diary...       
    As long as the contents are secret, it remains as a diary.   
    However if it were sold off and read by someone else  
    then it becomes an autobiography or a novel.    
    The purpose of  the diary then changes depending on whether we mean it for others to read it.        

    So please don't use those words of your story,
    to fool the heart of someone you jilted and cheated on.
    If you kept it to yourself, it could be your song.
    But when you tell those words to that person,
    it becomes manipulation in the hope to instill remorse.
    And that is just

    Having said that,
    It pains me to say that these stories that I hear...
    about guys being irresponsible, unfaithful and just dumb,
    makes me feel a little disappointed.
    From stories of young punks speeding and getting others killed,
    to stories of psychotic guys plotting to destroy their ex girlfriend's happiness.
    Seriously, something is very wrong with the world.

    My Stories through Pictures

    Stuff I wanted to write about but became too lazy to write about.
    Thus, let the pictures do the talking.

    Yes... It's been so darn long.